Tuesday, December 8, 2009

If I have sex with a Mexican chick should I wear one of them surgical masks so I don't get the Swine Flu?

You're a jerk.If I have sex with a Mexican chick should I wear one of them surgical masks so I don't get the Swine Flu?
Omfg god people take a joke [x i like this guys style :D Lmfao and so what if people die from swine flu we got a big enouf population so it ethier this or a world war :) Report Abuse
If I have sex with a Mexican chick should I wear one of them surgical masks so I don't get the Swine Flu?

....HAHAaaaaaaaaagood times GOOOOOOOD TIMMMMMMES :]


Why would you wanna have sex with her if u think she has the flu?
That's kind of an ignorant question the swine flu is nothing to be joking around about people have died because of it
That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. You can never be too safe. :)
it's too late considering you're already a pig
lmao! yeah probably hahahaha
Yeah practice safe sex haha
You should be so lucky !
well u are having sex with her i dont think the mask will help...im sure there will be some leak of contact

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