Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Insect found in Mexican mask?

I bought a mask (wood) in southern Mexico about two years ago. It was hanging on the wall and when I walked by it today, I noticed wood dust on the mask. There was a whole almost the size of my pinkie nail with a little worm like head poking out. I tried to get at it, but to no avail it went back in. Does anyone know what type of creature this is, how to get it out, and if I now how to through it away? Thanks for the help!Insect found in Mexican mask?
You either have some sort of wood worm, or it is the larva of a wood boring beetle.

Either way, you need to get rid of it. If it has been in the mask for 2 years, it may have spread around your house, and you could have a problem. Check any wooden objects/structures you have near the mask for other holes.

Spray some household insecticide in the hole, and hopefully that should kill it.

If the mask is fairly sturdy, you could always put it in a sink of boling water, which should kill the bug.Insect found in Mexican mask?
Pour some insecticide in the hole on the little bugger! That will teach him/her to keep their heads down!!
It depends on the size of the worm, which is probably a larva. If it has been that long since you purchased it, it might even be a recent addition to the mask. Wood products from other countries are notorious for termites, but it sounds too big for that. May be a wood-boring beetle larva. There just aren't that many large insects that live in wood. Put it in the freezer for a week or two to get rid of the pests or you may end up with a pile of sawdust.

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